The interesting part of all this was the discussion over how the programs caught the attention of the end-user in the first place. Here, it was big green download buttons on download sites that looked (for all intents and purposes) like the button the end-user should click on to begin their desired download. Instead, it would take them to vaguely named installer files. Examples of said buttons:
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As a response, the basic argument set forth was "We want to be clean, but it's so difficult when everybody else is doing whatever they can to snag an install over a company attempting to play by the rules". On the surface of it, this would seem to be the case - pre ticked checkboxes, dubious installers and poor notification inside the programs we download are bad enough, but poor choice of advert placement (and adverts that themselves look like Facebook notification prompts and other elements that would fool a regular web-user) muddy the waters still further.
You can see these on everything from search engines to garden variety adverts on any number of websites you care to mention, and as social networks continue to grow in influence so too do 2.0 themed adverts continue to vie for your attention.
Disappointingly, the bulk of the case set forth boils down to "everyone else is doing it". Here are some of the examples they sent over:
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Above you can see a rather large green tick and a "Download now" button which completely overwhelm the simple text link that happens to be the one the end-user is looking for.
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The above example has a rather prominent (and unrelated) download banner at the top and another download link off to the right - personally I don't feel this has as strong a case as the first example, although three green download buttons on the same page is always going to cause confusion for somebody.
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Above, we can see the actual download button fairly dwarfed by a larger one off to the right. Much like the other two, you can bet this has resulted in a number of "Wait, what?" style downloads.
None of this is new, of course - you can easily jump back to 2008 or earlier and see the same sort of thing taking place on Facebook application installer pages. It's worthwhile advising relatives you suspect will wander into these setups to be on their guard, because as far as many companies out there installing Adware and other products are concerned it's a case of Così fan tutte.
Christopher Boyd (Thanks Eric)
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