
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

RSA Europe 2011

I'll admit, it's the first time I've stayed in a hotel room where they managed to nail four copies of the same picture to the wall horizontally instead of vertically. Here's one:

Click to Enlarge

The others were just as spectacular. Anyway, RSA Europe took place in London last week and there were a lot of talks to get your teeth into.

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Speaking of getting your teeth into, dinner was served in the form of packed lunches.

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The question I left Tim Berners-Lee was "How do I shot web?"

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I'm almost certain he'll get back to me on it eventually. Here I am talking about threats to workplace security in the form of videogame consoles:

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The talk itself seemed to go well, although there were a number of teething troubles and then some prior to actually getting up and rambling for half an hour. What's most interesting to me is that this is the first time I've submitted a videogaming threat talk to a more corporate event and had it accepted - maybe all those videogame company hacks over the past year have made people think a little more about the possibility of things going horribly wrong in this particular area of (in)security. At any rate, all of the conference presentation material is available to look at.

Next up is a VB2011 post, as most (if not all) of the conference content is now online...

Christopher Boyd

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