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During installation, it shows users a EULA. Let us just quickly point out that a portion of it states that a search bar will be installed with the program. During our tests, however, no search bar is installed.
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Once fully installed, this tool displays a graphical user interface (GUI) and allows the user to enter a GMail email address in a text box. It then claims to "process" the account.
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Once the progress bar reaches 100%, the user is told the "Password file has been located", but viewing the recovered passwords will require a product key.
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In order to retrieve a product key, users have to pay 29.99 USD. If they agree to, they are then directed to a ClickBank website where they can make the purchase.
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Clearly, this is designed to extract a tidy sum of money from unwitting users, and we'd like to save you, Dear Reader, the trouble of wanting to try it out. We categorize GMail Hacker Pro as a Trojan under the detection name GmailHackerPro.pj!.1a.VirusTotal scores currently sit at 16/43.If you happen to lose or forget your GMail password, have GMail reset the password for you so you can access it again and assign a new password for it. Doing so won't cost you anything. That said, steer clear from this one, please.
Jovi Umawing (Thanks to Patrick for catching this one)
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