
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Download for Japan...or not

There's a lot of hot downloading action taking place at the moment in relation to the earthquake / Tsunami in Japan...most of it related to helping, sharing information, bits of media offered up for free by artists and other things.

And by other things, I mean "random videos that are useless scams". Nestled in between a collection of "Help Japan" videos / downloads is a "World mask art" download - advertised as "free", naturally.

Click to Enlarge

Do you think this is going to end well, dear reader?

Click to Enlarge

Our uploader (called, er, "Porkballer12") has lobbed 300+ videos onto Youtube in the space of a day or so, and all of them point to the same link - doesn't matter if it says "World mask art", "free finance powerpoints" or various kinds of security software. The shortened URL will bounce you from freecracksoftware(dot)com/software to a download site, complete with - you've guessed it - a survey.

Click to Enlarge

Hitting the frontpage of that website instead of visiting the redirection link will also pop a survey:

Click to Enlarge

Call me crazy, but I don't think you're going to end up with whatever advertised product brought you to the land of eternal surveys.

Christopher Boyd

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