Here's a freshly minted scam mail doing the rounds - this time, claiming to be a victim trying to escape Japan and needing a cool $1,600 to do it.
Subject: Please Help Life, From Jamaine Lecott
Hello Dear Friend
My Name is Jamaine Lecott
i am in hurry writing you this message and i hope you get it on time, there was very hard quake here in my country northeastern coast in japan. It has been a very sad and bad moment for me and my family here, the present condition that we found myself is very hard for me to explain.i want us to be out of the country immediately i am asking for help of ($1,600 ) only to raise our ticket charge and some other expenses to leave here I will appreciate whatever you can afford to assist me and my family so that we can have food and eat to be out of the country i will be very happy for that , we lost every thing we have Please send the money via Western Union money transfer channel because that is the only way we could be able to get the money fast and leave. which country are you transferring the money from please help us with thanks GOD will help you also and bless you...
ADDRESS.NO A14 Tokyo. northeastern coast japan
My Honest Regard,
Jamaine Lecott
Needless to say, you should not get involved in this.
Christopher Boyd
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